The Sims Medieval lessons

End Ambition Early

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To end an ambition early, at least the bronze level of the ambition must be satisfied. To check on ambition progress, click the ambition button in the upper left corner in kingdom view.

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Click on the trophy button while in kingdom view to end the ambition. You will receive credit for completing the ambition at whatever level you have already achieved in the ambition. If you are on a quest, this button will not be active.




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Ambitions are the starting point for any new kingdom!

The first Ambition available to play, New Beginnings, is the only one initially unlocked.

Hovering the mouse over the “?” will display the goals of the selected Ambition.

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You only have a limited number of Quest Points in order to complete an Ambition. Be careful to choose your quests wisely.

Take note of the Quest Point cost of each quest and the rewards it provides.
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New Ambitions are unlocked by completing Ambition Achievements.

Ambition Achievements are not found in the Achievement Book, but instead are found on the Ambition screen or from the Kingdom Status dialog.

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Each new Ambition requires you to get at least Silver level in a specific Ambition Achievement from a previous Ambition. Others may require Ambition Achievements from more than one Ambition.

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Completing an Ambition requires you to spend ALL of your Quest Points (QP).

If you only have a couple Quest Points left, you can choose to take any available quest, even if it costs more QP than you have.

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Once you reach 0 Quest Points, the Ambition completion dialog shows how well you did on the Ambition. Did you achieve Gold? Or did you fail to complete the Ambition?

From here, you have the option to Continue Playing or Exit to the Main Menu. Continuing to play the current Ambition unlocks ‘special’ quests that can only be played after an ambition has been finished.

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“Brave New World” is a special quest that allows you to take one hero from your current game and make them your King or Queen in the next New Game.

And the “Free Time” quests allow you a place to spend time with your Sims in the kingdom you have created.

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If you completed an Ambition at sufficient level to unlock a new Ambition, congratulations! You can now choose to start a New Game with a new Ambition.

Each time you start a New Game or a new Ambition, you will be starting with a fresh kingdom, new Monarch and all new heroes!

(Unless you finished the Brave New World quest!)




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Aspects are a gauge of your Kingdom’s current state of being and determine which quests are available. They are tracked along four axes: Well-Being, Security, Culture, and Knowledge.

The background color for each provides a quick reference to how that Aspect is currently doing. Green, things are looking good! Red indicates it might need some attention. And yellow means the Aspect is neutral.

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Well-Being tracks general health, happiness, comfort and wealth of the kingdom. Low Well-Being can result in disease running rampant…

Security tracks the general safety and stability of the land. A high Security will keep the bandits away and thieves under wraps…

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Culture represents the kingdom’s devotion to the arts and belief in The Watcher. The Culture level will make available social options that may not be otherwise available…

Knowledge represents the general education level of the kingdom. A high Knowledge will see your Sims gaining experience at increased rates…

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As you place new buildings, you add Capacity to your Aspects. This basically unlocks the potential for an Aspect to grow.

Hovering over an Aspect in the panel will inform you what current effects it has on the kingdom.

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As you complete quests you add Value to your Aspects, filling in the Capacity.

How well you complete a quest will determine how much Value is added.

It is possible to be rewarded with more Value than your Capacity allows. An “!” icon in the Quest Book will warn of this possibility. If this occurs, the extra Value is lost.

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Tip: Aspect effects are not just purely based on Aspect Value, but take in account the kingdom’s current Renown level.

Example: Initially a Knight will do a fine job of keeping the bandits at bay, but as your kingdom’s Renown increases, if you have not added any buildings or completed quests to increase your Security, you may find the bandits are now swarming.



Aspect Overflow

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Once an aspect has reached maximum capacity and has been completely filled, you can continue to gain benefits by earning more aspect points.

  • Well-Being – All heroes in the Kingdom receive extra gold simoles
  • Security – The Kingdom gains bonus RP
  • Culture – All heroes in the Kingdom receive a Feeling Refined buff. The more points of culture earned, the higher the focus
  • Knowledge – All heroes in the Kingdom receive XP




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Your Sim may have been wandering through the Forest or Cave, shopping at the village, sailing aboard the ship, or had just gone to sleep, when suddenly something has happened!

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What do you do? The choice is yours! Will you ignore the beggar? Share in the spoils of a treasure find? Fight the bear?

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Your choice can bring great rewards: Simoles, Experience, positive buffs, or even… an epic sword?! But be careful, Sims have been known to die from making a poor decision.



Managing Needs

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Since Sims are little people, they still worry about everyday things like eating and sleeping.

For information on how your Sim is doing, the Hunger and Energy bars are there to provide a quick reference.

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Each bar changes color to reflect the current status of a particular need.

When a need gets too low or is high enough, they may prompt a buff which will display in your buffs panel. Hovering over the buff will give you information as to where it came from.



Live Mode Controls

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Live Mode is the game mode where your Sims are free to interact with one another and the world, so long as the game is not paused.

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Accessing Live Mode is done by clicking the Live Mode button, but can only be done when you are on an active quest.

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Below the Live Mode button are the Furnish Mode button, which lets you furnish the current location, and the Kingdom Mode button, where you can place new locations, choose quests or view information about the kingdom.

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The Camera Controls provide access to rotation, zoom, pan or tilt depending on which camera mode you are in, as well as Floor Up and Floor Down controls. On PC, Page Up and Page Down act as shortcut keys for floor navigation. On Mac, press Fn + Up Arrow and Fn + Down Arrow.

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You can also find some options next to the Camera Controls that allow you to switch camera modes or quickly move around the kingdom.

Follow My Sim and Eye of The Watcher will change your camera mode. And the Location pop-up will provide quick shortcuts to navigate around the kingdom.

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For the most part, the rest of the information you will find in Live Mode will be specific to the currently selected Sim:

Responsibilities, Hunger and Energy bars, currently active buffs, the Focus Meter and information panels (Simology, Relationship and Inventory panels).

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Take some time to experiment with the various options. The speed controls are found in Live Mode, so you can pause while you look around.




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The Monarch, Knight and Spy can all propose an Edict at the Tactical Map. Any foreign leaders currently staying in your kingdom will participate in the vote.

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Click on Propose Edict to bring up the Edict Selection dialog.

From here you can read the two Edicts you can choose from and see the territory loyalty changes that will occur should that Edict pass.

Hovering over the territory name will provide greater details of the loyalty change.

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Once you have proposed your Edict, two other Edicts will be proposed by the foreign leaders.

You can view the Edicts by selecting View All Proposed Edicts from the Tactical Map.

Clicking on an Edict will allow you to View Edict and see the Edict details and loyalty changes.

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Clicking on Monitor Edict Support will display how each territory is currently planning to vote. Use this screen to plan how you will influence the Edicts to get the votes you desire.

Be warned, having little or bad relations with foreign leaders may cause them to abstain from providing you any information.

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In the View All Proposed Edicts section, there’s a way to help the voting process: Amendments!

You can add a benefit amendment or a tax amendment to an Edict, which will help to sway the votes to your desired outcome.

Adding a benefit or tax to an Edict takes some time (and costs Simoles), so plan accordingly since you only have so much time before the vote will be called.

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Once you are ready to vote, you can either wait for the vote to be called or you can choose to Call For Vote. This will bring up the Vote Dialog. Click on the Edict you wish to vote for and see the results of your proposal!

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You can only propose one Edict a day without penalty. However, if you desire, you can propose additional Edicts, but each will cost you some loyalty to get the politicians up from their naps.



Messenger Post

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A phone? Bah! What could be more reliable than a pigeon?!

Good friends everywhere, acquaintances, and that guy you saw at the market are all awaiting your pigeon!

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Don’t be shy – click on the post and send the pigeon on its way!

Invite friends over for a mug of freshly brewed ale, meet lovers at the cemetery for a stroll through the gravestones or just send your buddy at the pit a “Hey, how is the toil today?”

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Oh, but you say you have to pay taxes or wish to donate to the poor? The box at the base of the post will kindly take your Simoles. Hopefully they were not too heavy.

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Shh, a Spy should know better than to speak so loudly. Yes, you can “borrow” from the box when you reach level 5, but don’t get caught!

You might find the post is also a great way to keep in touch with various “organizations” by means of the Secret Drop.




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Whether you desire an Ale, a sharp Cider, or the sweetness of a Honey Mead, brewing begins at a cask!

If you do not have a cask, they can always be found in Furnish Mode under the “Domestic” section.

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Click on the cask and choose “Brew.” This opens up a list of all the beverages you know.

Hover your mouse over a recipe to see the item’s name, description, and ingredients needed to begin brewing. If the item is grayed out, you do not have the required ingredients in your inventory.

Hint: The village shoppe is a good place to find ingredients.

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Once you have selected a recipe to brew, the Simole cost will be deducted from your funds.

A full cask can provide up to 12 drinks. Hover over the cask to display the remaining drinks.

You can choose to brew at any time, but any remaining drinks will be ‘thrown out’ and the new drink of choice will fill the cask.

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The Tavern is a special location. It’s free to brew at casks there, however it costs Simoles to grab or serve drinks.



Foreign Territories

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Territories are neighboring kingdoms that your kingdom can annex and gain benefits from.

The Territory Map displaying all known territories can be accessed either from Kingdom Mode or by playing the Monarch, Spy or Knight and selecting View Political Situation from the Tactical Map.

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Initially your kingdom has two territories already under your sway, Tredony and Crafthole. Clicking on them will display information such as their leader, trade info and the benefits they provide to your kingdom.

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Here, you will also find the territories’ current loyalty status. Over time you will lose loyalty; however, Edicts will affect loyalty in one direction or another depending on how a territory reacts to it.

Combat oriented Sims can raise territory loyalty by Patroling. Use the village signpost, forest signpost, and ship to Patrol the different territories.

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A loyal territory will continue to provide its benefits to you, but should they become disloyal they will no longer provide their benefits.

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As your kingdom gains Renown, new territories will become available to ally with. Open up the Territory Map and click on a non-allied territory to Make Ally.

Allying with new territories will cost you Resources.

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Once allied, you can view all of the information for that territory, including benefits they can provide once annexed, and under the section Pressing Issues you will find information about the quest required to annex the territory.

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Territory leaders of annexed territories will stay in your kingdom and will often be found lounging in the Reception Hall, where they await the next Edict…or the next meal.




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Focus affects your Sim’s ability to perform interactions, craft potions, wield a sword and many other things they may want to do!

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The Focus Meter is an indicator of how your Sim is feeling. It is the total of all your Sim’s current buffs, showing you how great or lousy your Sim is doing.

Positive buffs increase your Focus, while negative buffs decrease your Focus.

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Tip: Focus has the greatest impact on Quest Performance. If your Sim is not focused, Quest Performance will suffer and you may find the Constable coming to find you!



Death of a Hero Sim

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A Hero has died!

If the Hero Sim was in the current quest party, then the quest has failed and the Quest Points spent are lost.

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But don’t worry! Click on the hero’s building in Kingdom Mode to bring a new Hero Sim to your kingdom! Perhaps your new hero will fare better!



Traits Galore

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A Sim’s Traits affect every part of their lives: how they behave, how they interact with others and the world, and how they prefer to live.

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A Sim’s Traits are listed on the Simology Panel and are initially chosen in Create a Sim. To learn more about each Trait, simply mouse over it.

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While socializing, your Sim can learn another Sim’s Traits. Learned Traits can be found in the relationship panel by mousing over the Sim’s portrait.

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Sims also have a special Trait called a Fatal Flaw. Fatal Flaws are generally negative and some can be challenging to overcome.

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However, all Sims can overcome their Fatal Flaw by choosing to undertake a quest for a Legendary Trait, which replaces the Sim’s Fatal Flaw.

This quest will not be available right away – you have to discover it!


Energy Need

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Motives are the basic needs of Sims.

There are two motives that Medieval Sims need to concern themselves with: Energy and Hunger.

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Energy slowly decreases while a Sim is awake. If a Sim runs out of Energy, they will collapse from exhaustion and fall asleep (on the floor if need be).

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Sims can replenish their Energy by sleeping in a bed or taking a nap on a pew.

The rate at which Energy is replenished is a result of how comfortable the Sim happens to be. Some objects provide more comfort than others, if you find your Sim is sleeping too much, try buying a new bed!

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There are some special means of replenishing Energy – a Wizard can Meditate, and there are special potions that will restore Energy.

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Sims will not die from exhaustion, although their Focus will become impaired, making it difficult to maintain positive quest performance.




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Crafting requires a crafting table (or forge) and is available to four heroes: the Physician, Wizard, Spy and Blacksmith.

Depending upon the hero, you may find yourself mining for ore, picking herbs from the brush or visiting the village for unusual ingredients.
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Success or failure in crafting is determined by the item’s difficulty, the hero’s level, and their Focus.

The recipe picker will give an indication as to your chance at success; is the item’s background green, yellow or red? Green should not be a problem; however, red may prove difficult.

Failing to make an item will not use up the ingredients.
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If your Sim is having difficulty, try increasing their Focus or make an easier item to gain experience and advance to the next level of your profession.




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The Heroes are the Sims you can control. You start the game with just the Monarch, and add new Heroes over time.

When you complete a Quest you earn Resource Points, which you can spend to bring in a new building and a new Hero. Each Hero has a different profession and building, and there are 10 different Heroes. To learn more, there is a Lesson for each Hero.

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Hero Sims can marry each other, or any of the non-Hero Sims, go on quests, increase their level, make money, and anything else you seek to make them do as you play The Sims Medieval!

Tip: All Heroes have their own means of making money, and earn money by doing their jobs. But any Hero can Fish or gather Wildflowers to make some extra Simoles!

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You add new Heroes to your kingdom in Kingdom Mode, after you place the building where that Hero lives and works.

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Finding your Hero’s location is easy; the kingdom is laid out in an oval around the central rocky mound. You can use the Camera Controls to move the camera to see each location, or right-click and drag the camera.

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You can also jump between different parts of the kingdom quickly by using Alt+# shortcuts:

Castle (Alt+1): Monarch, Knight & Spy
Knowledge (Alt+2): Wizard & Physician
Crafts (Alt+3): Blacksmith, Merchant & Bard
Training Area (Alt 4): No heroes live here
Religion (Alt 5): Jacoban & Peteran Priests


Hero – Physician

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Physicians are the first, last and only line of defense against disease, infection and injury!

Tonics and leeches are used for the most common of ailments, treatment may be necessary for the gravely ill, and surgeries are performed for the mauled, maimed and beaten.

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Hero: Physician

Building: Clinic

Signature objects: Operating Table, Crafting Table and Archive

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Special Abilities:

Diagnose, treat wounds and cure sickness, provide First Aid, gather herbs and leeches, craft tonics and medicines, Medicate the town well.

Tip: As the Physician gets higher in level, the “Drain” and “Anesthesia” interactions get higher levels of success rates.

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Makes Money By:

Crafting and selling tonics and other medicinal products, Treating Injured/Sick Sims on the Operating Table and gathering and selling Herbs.


Hero – Bard

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A life devoted to the arts may be poor in pay but rich in fulfillment. Keep the lute strings tight and quill-hand loose, because there are paying customers out there and they want a show.

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Hero: Bard

Building: Tavern

Signature objects: Stage, Lute, Archive and Scribe Table

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Special Abilities:

Perform songs on the lute, Gather Inspiration from Sims and the world, Compose poems and plays and Perform them on the stage.

Tip: Your Bard’s surroundings determine what themes they receive when they Gather Inspiration. Try the forest for a Nature theme, or the Kingball Court for a Sports theme.

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Makes Money By:

Performing songs on the Lute, plays on the Stage, and poems (on the Stage or elsewhere)


Hero – Merchant

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Merchants facilitate trade across great distances and bring rare and unusual goods to the local populace at competitive prices.

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Hero: Merchant

Building: Market

Signature objects: Market Stall, Ship

Tip: The Merchant earns XP quickly by Balancing the Books on a Scribe Table!

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Special Abilities:

Can make a profit buying and selling goods, can bribe Sims into purchasing goods, and can trade goods with foreign territories using the Ship.
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Makes Money By:

Selling items at the Market Stall, Buying “Hot Items” at the Village Shoppe and selling them at a profit at the Market Stall, and Trading items with other territories.

Tip: Send all of a territory’s imports to them in order to get their exports. You can find imports and exports listed on the Territory Map.


Hero – Jacoban Priest

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Jacoban Priests tend to possess great material wealth and conduct their business of religion vigorously and with force (if necessary). Sims must lead their lives according to a strict moral code lest punishment be delivered!

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Hero: Jacoban Priest

Building: Jacoban Cathedral

Signature objects: Pulpit and Proclamation Board

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Special Abilities:

Give Sermons, Absolve Sims, Convert Sims to the Jacoban faith, Post proclamations, Reflect on The Watcher, Bestow Watcher’s Touch and Watcher’s Blessing upon Sims, and Consecrate well water.

Mid-level Jacoban Priests can see how proclamations affect Fear level.

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Makes Money By:

Giving sermons


Hero – Peteran Priest

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Peteran Priests are ascetics devoted to their faith. They preach compassion and understanding, and try to encourage others to live their lives according to The Watcher’s principles.

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Hero: Peteran Priest

Building: Monastery

Signature objects: Pulpit, Evangelism Platform, Archive
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Special Abilities: Give Sermons, Evangelize, Convert Sims to the Peteran faith, Pray, Bless well water, Bestow Watcher’s Favor, Study Watcher, Write with The Watcher, and gains The Watcher is Near positive buff while near the Peteran church.

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Makes Money By:

Giving sermons, Writing with The Watcher at the Archives and selling the resulting documents.


Hero – Blacksmith

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Blacksmiths are responsible for creating swords, armors and staves, but are also known to create unusual and one-of-a-kind objects as well.

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Hero: Blacksmith

Building: Smithy

Signature objects: Forge, Anvil and Market Stall

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Special Abilities: Can craft objects using the Forge and Anvil, Mine ore from exposed rocks, and sell crafted goods at the Stall.

Tip: Mine often! It gives a positive buff. Also, if someone offers to sell one of your Sims a book, buy it! It may be a recipe for something you have not yet learned to forge.

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Makes Money By:

Crafting objects and selling them or delivering them to customers as part of responsibilities, or gathering and selling gems and minerals.



Hero – Spy

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Spies maintain clandestine communications networks, help discover (or hide) the truth as the situation calls for it, and generally perform the most needed dirty work involved in politics.

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Hero: Spy

Building: Spy Quarters

Signature objects: Crafting Table, Training Dummy, Tactical Map and Scribe Table

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Special Abilities:

Bribe, Pickpocket, Steal funds from Messenger Post, craft poisons, gather herbs, Combat, Hunting, gains special fighting moves by leveling up, can fight more effectively without armor, Eavesdrop, propose Edicts at the Tactical Map, and can break Sims out of stocks.

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Makes Money By:

Threatening other Sims for money, picking pockets, hunting, crafting and selling poisons and other tonics.

The mid-level Spy gains the ability to steal money from Messenger Post!



Hero – Wizard

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A Wizard’s power is granted by special skills they are born with, but the level to which that power grows is determined by their willpower to study the arcane arts.

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Hero: Wizard

Building: Wizard’s Tower

Signature objects: Arcane Tome, Crafting Table and Archive

Tip: Research gives a focus buff!
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Special Abilities:

Learning and casting spells, crafting potions and magic items, gathering herbs and minerals, Scrying, Meditation (who needs beds?), casting Overflow on the town well. Mid-level wizards can craft Staves at the Forge.

Tip: Some rare spells can only be learned through experimentation with Magic Runes.

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Makes Money By:

Crafting and selling potions and tonics, gathering and selling herbs. Mid-level Wizards can forge and sell staves.


Hero – Monarch

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The Monarch is the sole ruler of the land. Great responsibility falls on this Sim as their choices affect every living being in the Kingdom.

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Hero: Monarch

Building: Throne Room

Signature objects: Throne, Tactical Map and Scribe Table

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Special Abilities:

Hear petitions from the people, can propose and vote on Edicts, can send Sims to the Stocks or Pit, Combat, Hunting, gain special fighting moves by leveling up. Top-level Monarchs can control taxes and are given more votes on Edicts.

Tip: The Monarch can influence the voting on Edicts at the Tactical Map by adding Amendments.

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Makes Money By:

Daily income from taxes, Hunting, threatening other Sims for their Simoles


Hero – Knight

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Knights can be considered war machines incarnate. They are generally proficient in all forms of deadly combat and when not fighting can frequently be found training and preparing for future fights.

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Hero: Knight

Buildings: Barracks and Training Yard

Signature objects: Tactical Map and Training Dummy

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Special Abilities:

Combat, Hunting, gains special fighting moves by leveling up, and can use the Tactical Map.

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Makes Money By:

Threatening other Sims for money or hunting.


Hunger Need

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Motives are the basic needs of Sims.

There are two motives that Medieval Sims need to concern themselves with: Energy and Hunger.

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Whether it is prepared at a fireplace with a cook pot, roasting over a spit, or baking in the oven – whatever the meal, all Sims need to eat.

Tip: Acquiring ingredients will allow your Sim to prepare a wide variety of meals, however all cooking objects always have something your Sim will be able to prepare (see the Food Preparation and Eating lesson for more information)!

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Hungry Sims are unfocused Sims, making it difficult to perform tasks and ultimately can cause quest performance to suffer.

If the Hunger motive ever reaches zero, the Sim dies of starvation!
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Neglecting the Hunger motive will give the Sim a “Hungry” buff. Continuing to neglect the motive will give progressively worse buffs until the Sim is “Starving.”

When that buff expires, the hungry Sim will die of starvation!
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A Sim can always make a bowl of Gruel at a fireplace if it has a cook pot.

By collecting ingredients, you can prepare better meals which will give buffs that will increase Focus. A larder, spit or oven are also available to cook at.



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After an appropriate amount of time spent woo-ing and courting one another, two Sims can become engaged by “Proposing Marriage.” This social interaction can be found in the “Romantic…” menu.

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Once engaged, Sims can elect to get married in several places. If one of the Sims belongs to a church, they can have their marriage ceremony there. They can also get married at any of the buildings in the kingdom, if they choose.

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There are a few of perks to getting married: the couple will receive a wedding gift from the kingdom and your Hero Sim will get a pay raise!

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Sometimes Sims find that they will not, in fact, live happily ever after. If so, and they have not yet consummated their marriage, they can have their marriage dissolved simply by choosing the “Annul Marriage” social interaction.

If the deed has already been performed, they will have to look to their church’s clergy to grant their divorce.



Sermon, Jacoban

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A Jacoban Priest who seeks to shake his or her congregation into submission needs only a Pulpit from which to instill the fear of The Watcher!

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Before the fires of The Watcher can be unleashed, or a sermon happens, you will need to set the time on your Priest’s Pulpit.

Make sure to return in time to host it – followers do not fear an absent-minded Jacoban Priest.

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Holding a sermon will affect your congregation’s Fear level in a negative or positive way, based on how you choose to host it. If it is taken well, you will likely receive thanks in the form of donations from a happy audience.

Want to raise the Fear level? Try opting out of the normal Calm tone and bring the pain with an Intense sermon!

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As a Jacoban, you can also choose to absolve other Jacoban Sims that are currently at the church by clicking on the Pulpit and choosing Absolve Sim.
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Don’t have time for a sermon? Take a moment to post a proclamation on the Proclamation Board, and bring on the fear.


Maintaining Your Focus

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Your Sim’s Focus is entirely based on the positive and negative buffs currently affecting them.
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Depending on the types and amount of buffs your Sim has, they can be at different levels of Focus.

Hovering over the Focus Meter will give you information about your Sim’s current situation.

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If you can keep your Sim’s Focus in the green, you’ll earn positive quest performance, hopefully leading to a Platinum level at quest completion!
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If your Sim’s Focus starts dipping into the red, they won’t be as likely to respond to your commands or succeed in their activities.

Having a low Focus will also negatively impact quest performance!

Pro Tip: Keep your Sim’s Focus in the green first before worrying about completing quest tasks to reach Platinum level!
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Look for positive buffs to collect or ways to get rid of your Sim’s negative buffs to keep them in a good mood.

Try a bath, a prayer to The Watcher or a little practice at the training dummy!


Kingdom Mode

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Kingdom Mode provides a map of the kingdom that you use for making strategic decisions, such as what quest to do next, what building to buy next or what Hero to create next.

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When you are in Kingdom Mode, you are using the Eye of The Watcher camera mode, which lets you rotate the camera around the kingdom from a central point, giving you a good overview of where everything is.

Time is paused when you are in Kingdom Mode.
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Kingdom Mode provides information about your Kingdom Status, requirements for the current Ambition, access to the Achievement Book, the Quest Book and Territory Map, as well as access to information and actions for each location in the kingdom.

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There are Location Markers on the Kingdom Mode map for every location in the game, including ones for buildings you have not purchased yet. These icons are color-coded; click them for different actions.

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Green marker over an empty lot: you have enough Resources (RP) to buy this building.

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Green marker over a building: you still need to bring in a Hero for this building.
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Blue marker: you have this building and it does not need a Hero (it either has a Hero, or is a building that does not support a Hero).
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Red marker: you do not have enough Resources (RP) to buy this building yet.
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Click the Location Markers to bring up a dialog box about that location, providing information about the building or the Hero who lives there, and access to the actions you can take there. For example, you may be able to buy that building, or bring in a new Hero, or furnish the building.



Levels and Experience

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Each Hero Sim has 10 levels they can work towards in their profession.
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As your Sims progress in their profession, they will get better at what they know how to do and maybe unlock new abilities (your Spy can’t steal from the poor-box? Shameful! Better get some more levels).

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Your Sims gain experience by doing profession actions such as crafting a sword at the forge, brewing a potion or giving a fiery sermon.

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Your Sims also gain experience by completing quest tasks and ultimately completing a quest. Depending on your Quest Performance when you complete a quest, the Sims on that quest will receive an experience reward.

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You can view your current level in the Simology Panel. Simply mouse over the experience bar (XP) to see a description of the benefits your Sim has from his/her current level.



Market Stall

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Before you can open your Market for business, you’ll need to stock it! Initially, the Market will be empty, so it is the Merchant’s job to visit the Village Shoppe or other territories to bring back the goods.

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The Merchant has the inside information on what will be “Hot Items” of the day. Clicking the “Investigate Today’s Market” interaction on the Village Shoppe will give you a list of which items are “Hot” and will give you the most bang for your buck.

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Now to fill up your Market Stall with the goods you have purchased. The ‘Check Merchandise’ interaction will both show what your stall is currently holding, along with what’s available to drag from your personal inventory. Once your Stall has some items in it, you’ll have the ‘Open For Business!’ interaction available.

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Now to get some customers: Sims will be more inclined to buy from you if they like you. Before you can plow right in and ask them to buy something, try to socialize for a while. After you’ve gained a high enough relationship with a customer, the ‘Ask to Buy Goods’ interaction will become available on them. Use some of the special Merchant socials, like “Butter Up” or “Bribe” to get your customers eating out of your hand!

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Any hero can buy from the Market Stall on the Merchant’s lot to get a different selection of items daily, as long as they visit during normal business hours. The Blacksmith lot also has a small Stall if you’re looking for items of the metal variety…



More and More Buffs

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Buffs are little bits of Focus that reflect the activities of your Sim. They show up in the buffs panel.

If your Sim collects lots of buffs, an arrow will appear on the panel letting you scroll down to see all of the currently active buffs.

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Positive green buffs increase your Focus. Finding new ways to get these will make your Sim’s life better and improve quest performance!

Telling Sims to bathe or having them socialize with a new friend are just a few ways to earn these green buffs.
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Negative red buffs can be caused by what your Sim has done, what has happened to them, or even which Traits they have.

Dealing with your Sim’s negative buffs is important to keep quest performance moving towards platinum!

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Each buff’s tooltip explains where it came from and how strong it is. Underneath each icon, a timer lets you know how much longer that buff and its effects will be active.



Operating Table

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The operating table is a miracle of modern medieval engineering! Sick and injured Sims the world over seek its rack-like comforts to ease their pain and suffering.

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Sick Sims that come to the Physician can be treated by clicking on the operating table and choosing Treat Sim for sickness.

A dialog will open showing all of the currently sick Sims available for treatment at the location.
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In the upper left is the Treatment Information dialog, showing you the Blood level of the Sim being treated and the number of Leeches you have available to use during treatment.

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Depending on the severity of the Sim’s sickness, you may be able to medicate them immediately, or you might have to Drain the Sim of some of their blood!

Each time you use some leeches, the Blood bar indicator will lower. The goal is to keep it as close as possible to the gold “sweet spot”.
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As long as the Blood bar is close to the “sweet spot”, the Medicate Sim option will be available. If you drained too much blood, your patient may be woozy or even pass out when they are discharged.

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The other option on the operating table is to Treat Sim for Injury, which will be available to choose if there is an injured Sim at the Physician’s location.

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A Treatment Information dialog will appear in the upper left, showing you the Pain level of the Sim being treated and the number of Herbs you have available to use.

The Herbs you can use are Valoroot, Eaglewood, Sagewort and Lordleaf.
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The goal for your Physician is to get the Pain level into the light brown “sweet spot” by choosing to Apply Anesthesia. Again, each time you choose to apply the anesthesia, the patient’s Pain level indicator will lower.

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As long as the Pain level is close to the “sweet spot,” the Perform Surgery on Sim option will become available. If you over-anesthetized your patient, they may be woozy or pass out when discharged.



Sermon, Peteran

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Blessed be the almighty sermon! Praise to The Watcher!

A Pulpit, a Peteran Priest, and you are ready to sermonize!

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But before the sermon can happen, you need to set the sermon time. Click on your Priest’s Pulpit to choose a time.

Make sure to return in time to host it; your followers do not take well to Priests who flake out on their own sermons.
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Holding a sermon will affect your Popularity level in a negative or positive way, based on how you choose to host it. If it is taken well, you will likely receive thanks in the form of donations from a happy audience.

Want to raise your Peteran Church’s Popularity level? Try opting out of the normal calm tone and bring the humor!

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Don’t have time for a sermon? A Peteran Priest is free to step up on the Evangelism Platform at any time and expound upon The Watcher’s blessings to raise his or her church’s Popularity!




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The people are clamoring for your advice! They have requests, questions, and concerns about what to do with the family’s pig farm! It is time to Hold Court!

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Click on the Throne and choose Hold Court. Soon, the people will come to your Monarch seeking his or her wisdom on all manner of topics.

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Each petition has two options, some of which cost money. Your decisions will cause your Monarch’s popularity to rise or fall.



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There are more than 100 achievements to earn that touch upon every aspect of the game, from earning Simoles, answering Petitions, casting Inferno, surviving the Pit of Judgement, and completing Quests!

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As you earn achievements, you add to your Watcher Achievement Level, which tracks all the achievements you have earned while playing The Sims Medieval.

Here you can track your progress from a lowly Peepsmith to a Super Seer!
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The Achievement Book can also be accessed from Kingdom Mode (or from the New Game screen) to see achievements you have earned or want to work towards!

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Some special achievements will not be found in the Achievement Book, but instead can be seen at the Select an Ambition screen.

These achievements gate your ability to play a new Ambition. Earning these achievements can unlock new Ambitions.


Quest Panel

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The Quest Panel shows three important pieces of information: who is on the quest; what they are being asked to do; and how they are doing.

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All Sims on your current quest are shown here, on the Sim Skewer.

Clicking a portrait of a Sim will select that Sim, clicking again will center the camera on that Sim.

Right-clicking a portrait will not only center the camera, but also follow that Sim as they move.

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To the right of each Sim portrait are the Quest Tasks – what that Sim needs to do in order to make progress on the quest.

Hover over the quest task to learn more about what it is asking of your Sim.
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Occasionally a quest task will appear as a small “?” icon. These are Choice Tasks.

Click on the question mark to open up a dialog where you will choose the direction you want the Sim to take on the quest.
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On top of the skewer is your Quest Performance, or how well you are doing on the current quest.

The better your performance when you complete the quest, the better your rewards!
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The top-level display of the Quest Performance shows how well you are doing in the current range; are you halfway through Silver or just about to maximize Gold?

Hover over your Quest Performance to see overall performance.


Quest Performance

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Quest Performance represents your current level or medal ranking. The higher the ranking, the better the rewards. This means that when a quest ends, your current Performance Level dictates both the medal and rewards you receive.

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Be careful, though. If your Quest Performance drops below the bronze medal ranking, you will be thrown in the stocks for failing to be a productive member of the kingdom.

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The performance bar on the top of the Sim Skewer tracks your current medal level. When the bar fills all the way up or down, you enter a different medal ranking and the bar starts over.

The bar’s current color will correspond to the current medal ranking (i.e. Gold medal ranking shows a gold bar, Silver medal ranking shows a silver bar).

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Hovering over the performance bar on the skewer reveals more detail.

The performance bar in the tooltip displays every medal rank from the best to the worst and shows where you currently are in the grand scheme of things and your current medal level.

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This screen also shows if your performance is trending upwards or downwards. Having a green Focus bar will continually raise your performance slowly over time. Conversely, having a red Focus bar will lower the bar over time.

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Also, neglecting quest tasks for extended periods of time will lower your performance until a quest task is completed.

Tip: To raise a really low medal ranking, keep your Focus bar in the green and take your time with the quest. Focus on your Focus!



Stocks and Arrests

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The Monarch is the only one in your kingdom with the power to order others to be arrested if they step out of line… or if you just don’t like the way they looked at you!

Alternatively, any Sim you have on your skewer can be arrested for failing their professional Responsibilities. (including the Monarch!)
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Ordering someone be sent to the Stocks or the Pit of Judgement is easy! It can be done via a social interaction under the “Monarch…” heading. You can either send them to the Stocks for a short bout of shame and humiliation, or you can opt to send them to the Pit to face the beast and likely their ultimate, putrid demise.

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Once someone has been marked for arrest, the Constable will seek them out and escort them to the Judgement Zone. There is no escaping the Constable! Even if he is busy or if the Stocks are all full, his memory is fierce and he will collect marked Sims eventually.

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Sims that have been put in the Stocks will have to remain in the Stocks until they’ve served their sentence.

Hungry? Too bad! However, the Monarch has the ability to release someone from the Stocks if they’re feeling particularly charitable.

The Spy might have some experience with locks as well…
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A Sim that’s been thrown in the Pit may have a better chance of survival the higher their level is, what traits they have, or if they have previously made nice-nice with the beast.



Blacksmith – Anvil and Forge

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Clicking on the Forge and choosing “Forge…” opens up a list of all the items your Blacksmith knows how to make.

(New recipes can be found, purchased, or unlocked by leveling up)
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Hover your mouse over a recipe to see the item name, a description, and the required materials needed to begin crafting.

If the item is grayed out, you do not currently have the required materials in the forge’s or your inventory.

To find the required materials, you can mine for them or purchase them at the village shoppe.
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Once you have the proper materials, click on the item you want to forge from the list.

The Forge Progress interface that appears displays your “Progress,” the forge “Heat” level, and the item “Quality” level.
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The “Quality” bar tracks the number of mistakes before the crafted item drops a level, such as from Excellent to Normal quality.

Hovering over the bar displays the number of mistakes allowed before the item’s quality level drops.

The starting quality for your crafted item is determined by your Blacksmith’s level and the quality of the hammer currently equipped.
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As your Blacksmith works the Forge, the Heat Bar will rise. Before the indicator climbs too high, click on the Anvil and choose “Hammer Metal.”

As you hammer the metal, the Heat Bar will cool. As the heat decreases, click on the Forge and choose “Heat Metal” to then repeat the process.

Properly managing the time spent heating versus hammering will yield higher quality items.
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If you cancelled forging an item, you can continue by choosing “Continue Making Item”.

Or you can choose “Discard Item” to start forging a new item.

Warning: Discarding will cause the materials for that item to be used up!


Perform Play

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Similar to poems, plays can be written at the Archives if your hero has collected enough inspiration. As long as you’ve got a stage object placed and a written play in your inventory, your Bard can perform plays anywhere in the Kingdom!

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To perform a play, click on the stage and select the “Perform Play” interaction. After that, you will need to socialize with another Sim to recruit them as your supporting actor or actress.

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Once your actor or actress has assumed their position on stage, you will be able to select the “Start the Play!” interaction on the object. Act fast, though! These recruits aren’t professionals, so they quickly lose patience and quit if the Bard takes too long to join them.




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Some objects and interactions require you to be equipped with the proper gear.

Whether it’s a sword to fight for your love’s honor or a Kingball paddle to play a friendly game, you’ll need the right gear for the job.

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You can find the gear you are currently carrying in your inventory, identified by the orange outline and an icon, which indicates whether or not the piece of gear is currently equipped.

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You can only have one of each type of gear equipped at a time, so you’ll have to choose between the rusty longsword or the legendary blade crafted by your master Blacksmith.

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All equipment has different levels of quality (Normal, Excellent or Legendary) and different stats that relate to its quality. (Attack, Defense, Power, etc.)

Hover over the item to see its stats.



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Your Sim has professional responsibilities. These usually vary from profession to profession.

The Physician may need to make a healing potion or administer first aid, while the Blacksmith may need to forge swords or gather mineral ore.
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Completing a Responsibility gives your Sim a boost to Focus, which makes them more likely to succeed at every action and increases their Quest Performance.
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Responsibilities have time limits. The number of hours or minutes left is shown below the Responsibility icon.

If times runs out before the Responsibility is completed, the Sims loses Focus. If your Sim shirks too many Responsibilities, quest performance can fall so low the Constable will come and take them to the stocks, or even the Pit of Judgement!

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When a Responsibility is going to expire soon, the icon for the Responsibility and the Sim’s portrait get a red glowing border.

Even if you are controlling more than one Sim, you can always see if any non-active Sim has a Responsibility that will expire soon.
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New Responsibilities are issued every morning.

Tip: Completing Responsibilities right away leads to a more successful day!



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Your kingdom is full of resources: Sagewort, Nightshade, Belladonna, Azurite, Electrum, Mithral and Leeches, to name a few.

And you’ll need those resources to craft potions and medicines, or forge an epic sword!
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Only certain professions can harvest resources. A Blacksmith can mine, and the Physician, Spy, and Wizard can harvest from bushes.

Any Sim can harvest wildflowers.
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Locate a harvestable node in the world (a sparkle on a bush or mine will help to find them) and just click on them. You will need to Discover them first; this will tell you what you can harvest from them.

Once discovered, you are free to harvest them whenever they are available in the world.


Food Preparation and Eating

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Your Sim is hungry! And pizza delivery is still a couple hundred years away – it’s time to cook!

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Your Sim has several options for cooking: a spit, the oven or a cauldron. Each provides different food preparation options.

The Spit is good for grilling meats, the oven for baking breads and pies, and the cauldron is good for soups and stews.
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Click on any of them and choose Make Food – a recipe list will open. Mouse over a recipe to see the required ingredients.
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If you have not yet visited the village shoppe, gone fishing, or gone hunting in the forest, you still have an options for eating: Gruel, Flat Bread and Roast Rat have kept many a peasant’s belly full!

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Your Sim can make a single serving, or they can make a Large portion which will feed several Sims.

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Or the food can be kept for future meals-on-the-go by storing it in your Sim’s inventory if the location is owned by them (click on the dish and drag it to your Sim’s inventory).

Be warned that food in your inventory can go bad, and spoiled food can lead to INDIGESTION.
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The Larder is a special object. From the larder, you can choose to prepare any recipe the other food preparation objects at the location allow.

More importantly, food stored in the larder will keep longer before going bad.


Whale Rage

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As a small babe, still swaddled in the blanket sewn by your great great grandmother, you lost your parents to “the” whale. The emotions from such a great loss have welled up once more into… WHALE RAGE!

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You could just go down to the docks and Scream at the Sea to relieve the pain. Or… you could go on a Whale Hunt!
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But how to hunt “the” whale? With a row boat and harpoon, of course! The village shoppe is sure to have them, though they may cost a few Simoles.

Once you have both, the ship will take you to the prime whale hunting locations. And if luck be on your side, you may find the very beast that removed your parents from your side!



Sword Fighting

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Whoa there, my sword-endowed combatant!

Before you decide to step into the arena with the local bully to win the hand of your dearest love, let’s take a moment to learn about sword fighting.

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Do you have a sword? Only heroes trained in swordplay dare test their skills in open combat: The Knight, Monarch and the Spy!

While each of these Heroes starts with a sword, you may want to seek out a Blacksmith to craft something with a little more “chop!”

Tip: If you did not equip that legendary sword you bought, you were probably fighting with only a long sword!

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Do you have skill? Level up your hero! Practicing at the Training Dummy is a great way to ensure that when it comes time to draw your blade, you are the only one putting it away!

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Are you focused? Keep yourself focused and in good spirits, and clear out those negative buffs! An unfocused Knight is just a pin cushion in armor.

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Ok, the time has come to clear the kingdom of the riff-raff!

Your available arsenal includes Spar, Threaten for Money, Challenge to Duel and Challenge to Duel to the Death!

Tip: If Threaten for Money is the only option available, that Sim has no combat ability and will be easy pickings for a little coin! Of course, robbing Sims is no way to make friends.

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You’ve chosen to enter combat!

There are 2 important pieces of information to note about yourself and your opponent: Health and Stamina.

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Damage a Sim receives is reflected in their Health bar. Combat ends when one Sim’s Health reaches zero. Depending on the type of sword fight selected, this may result in a friendly spar, the loser being knocked out, or death.

Combat can result in injuries. A Salve from the shoppe or a visit to the Physician can speed up a Sim’s recovery. Major or Grievous injuries of any sort will cause a Sim to fight much less effectively.

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Another way to win a fight is to lower your opponent’s Stamina to zero. The heavier the sword and armor a Sim is using, the faster Stamina drains. The Stamina of higher-level Sims drains more slowly. Be careful because after a long fight, Sims get fatigued, causing them to start with less Stamina in later fights.

Special moves also drain Stamina and are chosen by clicking on your opponent during combat (like Hilt Smash).

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Tip: Sharpen your sword before you begin a duel. Click on the sword in your inventory and choose Sharpen.

Tip: Swords with a higher Attack deal more damage. Armor with higher Defense reduces more damage taken. Be careful not to choose weapons and armor with weights higher than your Sim can handle, though, or they may lose due to running out of stamina!



Pregnancy and Children

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When WooHooing in Medieval times, it is very easy for your Sim to become pregnant.

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When your Sim is expecting, you can expect to see new and interesting changes! Your Sim will avoid being in uncomfortable situations (like being sent to the stocks or getting in swordfights).

Your Sim will also experience discomfort such as nausea; these show up as negative buffs in the Buffs Panel and are a normal part of the pregnancy process.

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Once the baby is on its way, your Sim will be sent home and will have very limited interactions for a short amount of time.

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Infants need food and love to survive! Be sure to interact with your beautiful baby often – this will help soothe them when they are upset.

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At the appropriate time, your infant will grow into a child.

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Most importantly, when a Hero dies their child heir(s) can age up and replace them in their profession.

Children can also be helpful to your household by bringing you gifts from the forest or purchasing items from the store for you.

You can see what is in your child’s inventory by clicking on the child and selecting “View Inventory.”