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SimGuruKarsky heeft weer twee vragen beantwoord over De Sims 3 Bovennatuurlijk.

Tell us more about the Lunar Cycle. Is it customizable?
In The Sims 3 Supernatural we wanted to bring in a new element of gameplay that would affect both ordinary Sims and supernatural Sims. Playing into the theme of magic, mystery and mischief, we thought that a luminous Lunar Cycle could set the stage for some strange happenings that go bump in the night. Of course, none of The Sims games would be complete without the option of customization, so the team created a new tab specific to the Lunar Cycle to allow for more player customization. In The Sims 3 Supernatural you can set your Lunar Cycle to rotate through the different phases of the moon, which can last anywhere from two days to ten days. If you wish, you can even choose to have the moon stay static. For instance, if you wish to have a full moon every night, you can do so by selecting the static option. The same works for any of the other moon phases.

Can regular Sims adopt Supernatural children?
No, Sims will not be able to adopt supernatural children but players will be able to create supernatural children directly from CAS.

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